28 Sep Double Edge team successfully completes the 12WBT!
Over the past 12 weeks the Double Edge team shed blood, sweat and tears to complete Michelle Bridge’s online weight loss and fitness program – the 12Week Body Transformation (12WBT). We replaced our biscuit jar with a bowl of fresh fruit and swapped lunchtime window-shopping for jogging in order to complete our fitness goals and look our best for summer!
For the program’s finale, the Double Edge team and hundreds of 12WBT participants from throughout Australia came face to face with our online trainer, Michelle Bridges. Michelle and her team ran a gruelling (yet kind of fun) outdoor workout involving a final series of fitness challenges at Sydney’s Domain.
Our dedication and commitment to 12WBT was rewarded with a champagne or three at the finale party at Cargo Bar on 11th September. It was great to hang out with Michelle and hear the inspiring stories of the people who’d truly transformed themselves in 12 weeks. Everyone was looking smoking hot and flaunting their new figures in gorgeous cocktail dresses!