Double Edge PR | Networx: Zero Budget Marketing
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Networx: Zero Budget Marketing


02 Apr Networx: Zero Budget Marketing

Our Zero Budget Marketing event was full of ideas on how to work on little, if any budget, and also proved a popular networking night for many! Here you’ll find a recap to make sure you don’t miss out on the useful tips shared by our informative panel.

Movember Chief Operating Officer, Jason Hincks said it is important to keep an annual campaign fresh and newsworthy, and the theme needs to be recreated each year with a story around it.  He warned that one of the biggest mistakes made by marketers is the rush to increase their reach – ‘Building a brand is a marathon not a sprint’.  He also encouraged the audience not to over promise and under deliver. His parting tip to our Networxers was a quote from Margaret Mead -’Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”.
Small Business Marketing Guru Michael Griffiths spoke about the importance forging and nurturing strong relationships and connections, and not thinking ‘what’s in it for me?’. Michael advised not to waste money on advertising billboards and instead invest in ‘walking billboards’ – people who know you and are ambassadors for your company or brand. He was a strong advocate on using social media, but said it had to be ‘valuable’ and recommended the ratio of one ‘advertising’ post about your business for every 80 posts which are of use for your followers.
The panel agreed that it was better to stay silent on social media than post something that wasn’t of value – ‘Nobody wants Movember to post Happy Valentines Day’ said Jason, warning against becoming white noise.
Business Consultant Kate Hurst gave exclusive insights into the fashion industry and emphasised the importance of first clarifying ‘who’ you are and your message. She said her most valuable business connections came through ‘authentic’ conversations either at networking events or through casual acquaintances. ‘When you’re networking, pretend you are in a room full of friends, this is the best place to meet new contacts and clients’.  She also spoke of her experiences in forging collaborations between likeminded brands, and how these can work well for zero budget marketers.
When it comes to social media, Kate said it is better to choose one or a few channels that best fit, rather than sharing information across all of them.
Overall, the event was a great success with professionals from a range of industries – including PR, marketing, small business and corporate – enjoying an informative evening with plenty of networking opportunities as well as expert advice on Zero Budget Marketing.